
         If a chicken and a half lay and egg and a half in a day and a half, how long would it take for a three legged Tyrannosaur to eat a dozen screaming, half-naked Neanderthals of assorted genders?


1.Statement Number 2 is true.

2.Statement Number one is false.


[]This statement is false.

         It was in order to solve knotty problems like these that this page was created. And I will proceed to solve important problems like: Why in the world would anyone care if a thrice-damned chicken crossed the road anyway? and the like.

         By the way, the answer is that Tyrannosaur don't like the taste. Or, that Neanderthals did not exist when the dinosaurs roamed the earth.

         Also, please note that I believe that the things that we call 'Jokes' are, in fact, Paradoxes, that they cause conflicting thoughts within our minds that result in "humor".

         I support this with the fact that everyone likes some form of humor or another, but few people like being the -butt- of the joke.