milk Lost in the way of conception, until Totalityof the way unknown when still looking up the slit in god's eye ----------------------------- Flying south worth nothing Light yellow green glow bound Halfway to northern lit land found Keeping rest without learning Vital starved mind churning Beaten rock carved and frayed chalked symbols bent and laid lost path found near too far passions once seen left ajar Legless eyeless mistake of omission edge dulled on pointless mission patterned lines without meaning lifeless sound of ceaseless keening uselessly over spilled blood now dried and sowing infertile ground with history until only the stone remembers the little breaks and cuts. --------------------------------------- Lost potential never needed unlike memory over-kneaded and burnt by ceaseless onslaught of time's marchings taught find dark solace in slight madness while still burgeoning silence behind eyes without substance disapproves. --------------------------------------- Clarity in diffuse uncertain madness.