
I was accused of a triple homicide at Naples Central School.

Three people, probably teens since its the high-school, though I don't know for sure, were found in plastic bags, dead, near the school pool.

What follows is, to the best of my knowledge, what occured:

It's hot, a day when everyone who can is up to their necks in water.

I was near the base-ball field directly to the South of Naples Central School, my former high-school, engaged in a heated argument with a few people that I knew. Eventually, growing disgusted with the way that the conversation was going, I decided just to go swimming as I had planned.

Everyone was swimming and leaving all of their stuff near, around, and under a short pine-tree along the outside wall of the open courtyard. As it turns out, the bodies had been discovered in the same place, packed in inumerable plastic bags, something along the lines of the cheap shopping complex bags, like those that they give you at Shurfine. Some of them, even, -were- shurfine bags.

I was in the courtyard of the school, gathering up the clothes that I was planning to swim in. Kids were quickly streaming out of the pool-area (though some were still streaming in), through the brown doors to the east of the courtyard. I had just asked Heather, who had also gone to that same high-school and happened to be in the courtyard at the same time as I, if she had a white T-shirt that I could use, and for information on what exactly was going on, when a man in uniform walked out of the doors that lead into the pool area. He walks over to where I'm still rifling through my own bag in search of a shirt, and holds up a bag with some change on the bottom of it.

Of course, I 'm getting ahead of myself and leaving out the most important part, which is that I did it. That, too, is not the whole situation, as I am only truly responsible for one of the deaths, only one, and perhaps partially responsible for another, though I can't remember for certain, in the heat of the event. As for the identity of those in the bags, the truth is that I don't even know their names for certain.

There was another group of people, obviously complete idiots, who were responsible for the other two murders. I can't truly explain my actions, save that I may have thought that I could "kill two birds with one stone" and get rid of someone at the same time as the others did, perhaps in the hope that the act, when discovered, would be pinned on them and not on myself.

In any case, it should be obvious that this joint venture was very ill-conceived, as their -unbelievable- incompetence led them to abandon the bodies in plastic bags in a public place instead of fully removing them for disposal.

Their idiocy, unfortunately, must be given thrice the number of points that their originality earns them for these acts. Despite their obvious lack of even the slightest bit of common sense, their self preservation was still strong enough that no matter how long I argued with them, they refused to return into the midst of the swirling mass of people near the pool and complete the removal.

In any case, the only way that I can conceive of that they could have come to me so fast is, considering my accomplices' obvious lack of forethought, by discovering a receipt from Bob and Irv's Shurfine in one of the bags with the corpses.

I wonder if murder of dream-people should be considered murder. Involuntary Manslaughter at worst, I would assume. After all, who can change the course that their dreams drag them? I cannot, however, bring myself to consider the people that populate my dreams as inanimate, to be destroyed on a whim, nor do I believe in an arbitrary sectioning of living things into "kill without reserve or regret", and "do not murder".

I find myself, therefore, in one of the infinite grey areas that exist, trying to satisfy myself as to what, exactly, happened, and what meaning lies in the event. This was a very powerful dream, I believe because it is the first time that I have murdered someone in my dream. The only other recognizable clues are Heather, who just happens to work as a cashier at Shurfine and perhaps can't count change, NCS, and swimming.

Perhaps sometimes it is better to continue unknowing than to destroy a mystery with it's conclusion.