The True Enemy

I must relate this horrible and cautioning tale to you, I really have little by way of any choice. My civic duty, my racial connections, whatever you wish to call them, implore me not to leave you in the dark. And yet, as you will soon see, I expose myself to great danger to tell you this. It is quite inevitable that this information should leak out, though I certainly am not accusing any of you of being traitors to the cause, it's just that the spies are everywhere.

I begin my tale with that precaution, and also the stipulation not to panic, everything will work out in the end, we will overcome.

A friend of mine was the one who first brought me the information that would uncover the plot for world domination that exists out there.

To protect her Identity, she will be hereafter called Murekailokk the Seven-Stringed.

Note: Much of what is outlined and described here is apocryphal, questionable, or simply not true. Be that as it may, you should still be careful that you don't underestimate it as a lie. [End Note]

It was a hazy, hot day, much like this one. Well, much like this one only more so and it was some time ago. Also, the date was different. There weren't so many sparrows. But I'm getting side tracked. The point is, it was a day.

I walked over the sun-burnt, black pavement, which seemed to have absorbed all the bad UV radiation and cancer-causing rays and was now amusing itself by bouncing them back up at me. I almost considered being afraid that my sandals would suffer, melt, and meet their demise, leaving me in the middle of an ocean of heat with only a rapidly warming pool of rubber to keep me safe. Luckily, it wasn't quite that hot.

It's rather hard to recall who they were that were walking beside me, friends, associates, whatever you might wish to call them. Of course, I won't tangle up the story and make some pseudonyms to keep them from feeling the brunt of the enemy's wrath, but will instead simply call each and every one of them "my friend". Therefore, for the purposes of this warning, there might as well simply be one and only one of these friends of mine. And so there was.

My friend and I were, of course, simply seeking some sort of salvation from the excessive heat that bombarded us. There were a few strategically located islands of cool and darkness that lay about us. It makes me rather suspicious, now that I look back upon it, that these "stores" should have so very much of this black, shriveling substance that reflected the sun so very much that it made us wish we could running, howling, to their safety.

Luckily, that matters very little for the purposes of this cautionary tale. It cannot be avoided, however, that we eventually would find our refuge in a store that everyone calls "Wegmans". There can be little choice but to decry the organization's blatant stupidity, their complete and total self absorbance, their essential blindness. The world of the future will revile them for not realizing and taking steps towards thwarting the nefarious invasion.

Note, however, that as individuals, those who were part of the organization "Wegmans" cannot be blamed. It is human nature to ignore that which they do not understand, of course. It is possible that there is indeed -one- corrupt individual that exists out there that should be held responsible for their vile betrayal of humanity, but we can hardly expect that one person to bear the full brunt of the dangerous lack of action against this occurance. We must also blame ourselves for not seeing the truth that lies directly before us.

We entered the haven from the heat, and were, of course, surrounded by a multitude of things, truly a bewildering and confusing display of color, sound, and smells that assailed our senses. Perhaps it is this that can be used to excuse those who would not see the truth.

We rested for a moment, both to adjust to the change of temperature and to the profusion of alien stimuli that we were subjected to, from signs saying "Buy this." to bright lights and loud sounds akin to "Ice Check, Baking Strips, Island Four". After a moment we were sufficiently acclimatized to this festival of light and sound and began to cautiously explore.

However, it would only take a very short time for us to come into contact with the Vile would-be-conquerors. We moved past strange devices with helpless victims connected to them that binged and made metalic sounds. Lines of victims waited near them to be used for whatever nefarious purpose there was. Some of the machines seemed to have used up their prey, standing empty and and unmoving, waiting for their next victim, their waiting lines of people depleted.

We carefully skirted the life consuming machines, only to turn away from them and into horror. We came face to face with the alien multitude, vastly outnumbering us, appearing even in such profusion that their numbers were more than the human population of the vast edifice.

They were formed into military ranks and files, waiting and watching as their prey were taken to be consumed. Their mass was silent to the extreme, having no need of human modes of communication. Though they were a bit small, and therefore rather unassuming, it was our instinctual knowledge of their foul nature that allowed us to keep from being captured, for their power most certainly lies in their organization, their numbers, and their alien technology.

One of us, thinking quickly, grabbed one of the smaller beings of the horde and brandished him in the air, waving him furiously to keep back the greater assemblage. I quickly followed suit, loudly declaring my violent intentions towards the one that I held and motioning threateningly towards the closest sharp peice of metal, hoping all the while that what strength we had would indeed be sufficient to keep them back if it came to that.

However, it seemed that their common sense of community was indeed enough to keep them from acting rashly, for they froze where they were and simply stared at us, though I was unable to discern any emotion in their alien visages.

The cool feel of the captive under my fingers caused me to glance at it for just a moment and made me realize that these beings were wearing some sort of airtight environment suit to keep them from the ravages of our earth's atmosphere.

Holding our captives tightly, we backed towards the door of this place that we had once assumed was just a normal "store", now knowing the deep and terrible truth. The human victims watched us dully as we made our progress towards the doors, making no move to either stop us nor to aid us, obviously in some sort of stupor. We dared not take the time to try free them, lest our own free minds were lost as well.

Nearly having reached the door, a peircing sound rent the air, causing us to shiver in anticipation of whatever new horror might come at us, and a moment later, to flee in terror out of the cool, alien atmosphere and into the normal earthly heat. We did not stop for quite some time, but there was no visible persuit, obviously they did not wish to give themselves away to the human population not yet under their control.

Having found a hiding place, we then had to decide what to do about out our captives, who watched us leadenly, waiting for us to decide their fate. I noticed that in addition to other more complicated alien symbols upon their suits were the following collection, which I here transcribe for you to the best of my ability, memory, and the limitations of text.

I know not what they mean, and I hope that the human race never will be so conquered that they have to know, either.

We knew that we could not allow our captives to return, and though we relished not the idea of destroying a living beings lives, we strengthened ourselves on the thought of those hapless humans that we had left behind in the alien lair.

Finding a nearby block of cement, we brutally battered at the alien space suits, steeling ourselves against the screeching and noise that they made and finally broke through the suits. Their alien forms were horrible beyond belief. It seems that they may exist only as a brain suspended in liquid within their gear. We then quickly bashed the organic substance that had come from inside the contraption until it was quiet and then buried the remains and the smashed up armoring in a small hole.

When we returned to our homes, we found them there, waiting for us. Luckily, they seemed unprepared for us, so we had time to systematically go through and destroy all of the things that we had once believed to be "Canned foods", incinerating them with our household equipment, and taking special care to completely obliterate the "Canned beans" that we found there.

They have not bothered us since that incident, but we live in fear and anticipation of how, when, and where they might strike us next.

Murekailokk the Seven-Stringed, leader of the HRSF

[Human Renegade Strike Force]

*Beware the Invaders, they may have infiltrated your very house already. Thier worst enemy, according to the best of our present research, is great heat, which can be used to kill them. First, however, their sealed environment suits must be removed, otherwise they are impervious to the temperature*