

[I really seem to have become carried away with all of my writing and such, so almost everything below is boring and useless. Skip to the last few paragraphs.]

        I was born at home in Cedar Knolls, NJ, to two [married] people who were destined to become completely opposite personalities. My mother did not believe in hospital births after my older brother was born in one, and my younger brother was therefore born at home as well. At some point, perhaps before I was born, my parents lived at East-Hill Farm, a commune in Middlesex where my father was apprenticed to a blacksmith and my mother was ordered around as a cook in the kitchen. I believe that this experience gave both of them some idea of what they really didn't want to do, because after that experience, neither of them could ever take orders again.

        My mother, after convincing my father to go to the East-Hill Farm, subsequently convinced him to leave. They set up camp in a large house [A century old, slightly run down place] that was not very far from the East-Hill Farm, for some reason, and became owners of a bookstore in Canandaigua. My mother seems to have been obsessed with the idea of selling books, even though no one seems to really want to buy them much. Anyway, I grew up there to age four, when my youngest brother was born, in that very house, and my parents almost immediately divorced.

        We had fixed the house up, to some degree, and originally had over 200 acres of land up on that hill. The downside, of course, was winter. When the pipes would freeze solid up on the hill, where the wind could easily throw me, a small child, off my feet and send me tumbling for yards, water had to be carted from the town at the base of the hill in a small, beat up vehicle.

        My parents have been through over 20 automobiles in their life, because most of them have been smashed into hunks of tin in accidents that happen in them. I never died in any of the crashes.

        [The interesting stuff seems to start here.]

        Anyway, age5: we moved to Naples, I entered first grade. The next year [Second], I was home schooled. Third Grade, I wasn't. I alternated years of home schooling until seventh, at which point I refused to deal with my mother 24/7 for a full year, and have been in NCS since. It never gets so bad that I regret it.

        Growing up in Naples: Had about two friends among the local children, and knew some of the others. Had about 8 enemies by age ten, now I'm not sure how many I have.

        Mother and Father: Mother is a control Freak, has huge collections of rocks, hates technology, believed in Y2K. Father is the opposite, into spirituality, believes that technology [computers] will make him piles of money... If only he knew how to use them, watches TV, very unorganized, has huge collections of condoms.

        Myself: Never taken any kind of drug, medicinal or otherwise, never been to see a doctor, never had any shots, read like crazy to escape my family... then read some more because there was nothing else to do. Am not a miracle child, only possibly the product of 'experiments' that my parents did during the sixties. [My father, someone tells me, has taken in Cocaine, Alcohol, used to smoke a pipe. He now only smokes, about a cigarette a week... Unfortunately, smoke still causes me to feel like I can't breathe.]

        Having such opposites for parents may have made me the [relatively] balanced person that I am today. Luckily, I'm very happy, contented, and lazy.

        Right, Ramble Ramble Ramble... *shrug*.

        Did I say that I hated Rich people? Hypocritically, I like it when I can get money from them.